發文日期 : 2025/2/24
Remittance channels: The specified bank with ” foreign exchange”
The specified bank by central bank of the Republic of China:
The central bank website「National Financial Institution Inquiry System」➠ click “ List of Financial Institutions” ➠”foreign exchange bank” appears all specified foreign exchange bank.( also choose the county name, the specified bank in the country will be appeared.
聯絡地址:10066 台北市中正區羅斯福路一段 2 號
傳真 :(02)2357-1974
Central bank of the Republic of China
Address: 2, Sec. 1, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei, 10066, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Telephone No. (02)2357-1999,2393-6161
Free call: 0800-666268
Always remit money to your home country through legal channels!
How can foreign workers remit money overseas legally?
In order to remit money overseas go to a legally designated foreign exchange bank
A small cross-border remittance business operator with a license issued by the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC)
Please use the small remittances APP at financial institutions approved by the Financial Supervisory Commission
Legal labor brokerages can also provide foreign workers with remittance services
It might appear quick and convenient to use an underground remittance channel that charges lower service charges, but such services have huge hidden risks
An illegal operator could run away with your money
An unscrupulous individual could steal your money as part of the illegal remittance process
If the illegal remittance operator is investigated your money could be frozen and you may be unable to claim it back
You could become an unwitting accomplice to money laundering or other illegal activities.
National financial institutions inquiry system:https://www.cbc.gov.tw/tw/sp-bank-qform-1.html
If you have any questions call the 1955 hotline.
Illegal underground remittance
The Banking Act of The Republic of China
第29條 Article 29 | 除法律另有規定者外,非銀行不得經營收受存款、受託經理信託資金、公眾財產或辦理國內外匯兌業務。 Unless otherwise provided by law, any organization other than a Bank shall not Accept Deposits, manage Trust Funds or public property under mandate or handle domestic or foreign remittances. 違反前項規定者,由主管機關或目的事業主管機關會同司法警察機關取締,並移送法辦;如屬法人組織,其負責人對有關債務,應負連帶清償責任。 Upon a violation of Paragraph 1 of this Article, remedial action shall be taken by the Competent Authority or the competent authority in charge of the particular enterprise, together with the juridical police authority, and the case shall be referred to the court for action. 執行前項任務時,得依法搜索扣押被取締者之會計帳簿及文件,並得拆除其標誌等設施或為其他必要之處置。 If the organization concerned is a juristic person, the responsible person shall be jointly and severally liable for repayment of the relevant obligations. In performing the duties stipulated above, a suspected party’s accounting books and documents may be searched and detained in accordance with the law, facilities including signs may be torn down and/or other necessary actions may be taken. |
第125條 Article 125 | 違反第二十九條第一項規定者,處三年以上十年以下有期徒刑,得併科新臺幣一千萬元以上二億元以下罰金。其因犯罪獲取之財物或財產上利益達新臺幣一億元以上者,處七年以上有期徒刑,得併科新臺幣二千五百萬元以上五億元以下罰金。 Those who violate Article 29, Paragraph 1, of this Act shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than three (3) years and not more than ten (10) years, and may be fined a criminal fine of not less than Ten Million New Taiwan Dollars (NT$10,000,000) and not more than Two Hundred Million New Taiwan Dollars (NT$200,000,000). Those who thereby obtain any property or property interests from such crimes of One Hundred Million New Taiwan Dollars (NT$100,000,000) or more shall be punished by imprisonment for more than seven (7) years, and may also be fined a criminal fine of not less than Twenty Five Million New Taiwan Dollars (NT$25,000,000) and not more than Five Hundred Million New Taiwan Dollars (NT$500,000,000). 經營銀行間資金移轉帳務清算之金融資訊服務事業,未經主管機關許可,而擅自營業者,依前項規定處罰。 A financial information service business which operates inter-bank funds transfer and account clearing without obtaining the approval of the Competent Authority shall be punished in accordance with the preceding Paragraph. 法人犯前二項之罪者,處罰其行為負責人。 Should a juristic person commit the offenses prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs, its responsible person shall be punished. |
第125-4條 Article 125-4 | 犯第一百二十五條、第一百二十五條之二或第一百二十五條之三之罪,於犯罪後自首,如自動繳交全部犯罪所得者,減輕或免除其刑;並因而查獲其他正犯或共犯者,免除其刑。 For those who have turned themselves in after committing crimes stipulated in Article 125, Article 125-2 or Article 125-3, they have delivered all criminal gains, if any, out at their free will, their sentences can be reduced or exempted. If their acts of turning themselves in have led to the capture of other principal criminals or accomplices, their sentences shall be exempted. 犯第一百二十五條、第一百二十五條之二或第一百二十五條之三之罪,在偵查中自白,如自動繳交全部犯罪所得者,減輕其刑;並因而查獲其他正犯或共犯者,減輕其刑至二分之一。 For those who have committed crimes stipulated in Article 125, Article 125-2 or Article 125-3 and confessed during investigation, they have delivered all criminal gains, if any, out at their free will, their sentences can be reduced. If their acts of confession have led to the capture of other principal criminals or accomplices, their sentences shall be reduced by one-half. 犯第一百二十五條第一項、第一百二十五條之二第一項及第一百二十五條之三第一項、第二項之罪,其因犯罪獲取之財物或財產上利益超過罰金最高額時,得於犯罪獲取之財物或財產上利益之範圍內加重罰金;如損及金融市場穩定者,加重其刑至二分之一。 For those who have committed crimes stipulated in Paragraph 1 of Article 125-1, Paragraph 1 of Article 125-2 or Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 125-3, any property or property interests obtained from such crimes has exceeded the highest level of fines, more fines can be added within the range of their illegal gains. Should their criminal acts have jeopardized the stability of the financial market, their sentences shall be increased by one-half. |
Offshore Banking Act
第7條 Article 7 | 國際金融業務分行,辦理外匯存款,不得有左列行為: An offshore banking branch accepting foreign currency deposits shall not: 一、收受外幣現金。 accept foreign currency in cash 二、准許以外匯存款兌換為新臺幣提取。 allow the withdrawal of foreign currency deposits in New Taiwan Dollars. |
第8條 Article 8 | 國際金融業務分行,非經中央銀行核准,不得辦理外幣與新臺幣間之交易及匯兌業務。 Unless approved by the CBC, an offshore banking branch shall not conduct exchanges or other transactions between foreign currencies and New Taiwan Dollars. |
Dissemination for Foreigner’s Information
◆資料來源 : 勞動部勞動力發展署◆
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